Health Care Service Corporation acquisition of Cigna Healthcare Medicare business complete

March 19, 2025

On March 19, 2025, The Cigna Group announced the completion of the sale of its Medicare and CareAllies businesses to Health Care Service Corporation (HCSC). The divestment of these assets streamlines the company’s portfolio and enables it to drive further innovation to support customers.

What this means to you and your patients with a Cigna Healthcare benefit plan

First, it’s important to understand that the deal closing has no effect on our Cigna Healthcare commercial business, any contract you may have with Cigna Healthcare commercial, or any other Cigna Group entity.

Further, to ensure a smooth transition, 2025 processes will largely remain the same for providers and customers of the Medicare or CareAllies businesses. Coverage continues and remains unchanged, for the duration of the 2025 plan year, with no disruption.   

Additional information about the deal closing

To learn more about the deal closing and what it may mean in the future if you offer services to patients with a Cigna Healthcare Medicare Advantage benefit plan, please review the Medicare Advantage Provider Newsroom article. Refer to your usual HCSC contacts if you offer services to patients with an HCSC-managed Blue Cross Blue Shield Medicare benefit plan.

As always, Cigna Healthcare and HCSC remain committed to ensuring a seamless transition for you and your patients, and we appreciate your partnership as we go forward together.

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