December 1, 2024
You can help assure quicker payment by following the official guidelines for chronic condition coding and reporting, while adhering to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) guidelines. Each year, CMS requires us to review and identify common documentation and coding opportunities for Cigna Healthcare Medicare Advantage participating-providers.
We select providers for documentation and coding reviews based on claims analysis of diagnosis code reporting trends and notify the providers in advance by mail. Providers will receive post-audit results and the opportunity for follow-up education with their Provider Education Specialist, when appropriate.
ICD-10* coding and documentation resources
Numerous educational tools and resources are available to help you submit accurate and complete coding. Go to > Provider Education > Documentation and Coding Resources to find:
Additional resources located on the Provider Education and Assessment Tools web page include:
For questions or to place an order for printed materials, contact your Provider Education Specialist.
* International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision.
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