April 1, 2024
Where customers can access services in the U.S.
Cigna International Health products are supported by our preferred provider organization and Open Access Plus networks for services rendered in the United States. The terms are included in providers’ Cigna Healthcare agreements.
Participating providers in the U.S. will be reimbursed at the same rate as for domestic Cigna Healthcare customers.
Eligibility, benefits, and precertification requirements
Providers can verify eligibility, benefits, and precertification requirements for many Cigna International Health customers by visiting the Cigna for Health Care Professionals website (CignaforHCP.com). If the information cannot be located on the website, please call the phone number on the back of the customer’s ID card.
Claims submissions
Please submit your claims via electronic data interchange using payer ID 62308. You may also submit claims to the address on the back of your patient’s ID card.
IMPORTANT: Contracted providers are required to request a copy of the Cigna International Health ID card and bill Cigna Healthcare. Any missing required information may result in a delay in payment.
Claims issues
For assistance with Cigna International Health claims issues, please call the phone number on the back of the customer’s ID card. This will be different than the standard domestic customer service and provider service phone numbers.
For escalated issues, contact your Cigna Healthcare Provider Relations representative.
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