April 1, 2024
In the United States, there are about one million adults aged 65 and older who have an opioid use disorder. Due to age-related pain syndromes and comorbidities, this population is at an increased risk of side effects, overdose, and death.*
Reducing the overuse and misuse of prescription opioids is top priority, the Pharmacy Quality Alliance (PQA) has identified three targets; (1) of opioids from Multiple Providers in Persons Without Cancer (OMP), (2). opioid high dosage (OHD) reduction, and (3) concurrent opioid and benzodiazepine (COB).
Our approach to helping assure safe opioid prescription use
To help safeguard our customers and minimize their health risks, Cigna Healthcare takes a proactive approach to promoting safe opioid prescribing and a retrospective approach to addressing opioid prescribing concerns. We take the following multi-faceted approach that encompasses the elements below.
Formulary selection | Pharmacy and therapeutics (P&T) committee review |
Utilization management |
Point-of-sale logic/ concurrent drug utilization review |
Prescriber resources |
Monitoring of prescribed opioids |
Continuous improvement |
Access opioid tools and resources at:
The Cigna for Health Care Professionals website (CignaforHCP.com) > Get questions answered: Resource > Pharmacy Resources > Pharmacy Clinical Programs > Opioid Resources.
* Jaya Sri Konakanchi, MB, BS, et al. “The Growing Epidemic of Opioid Use Disorder in the Elderly and Its Treatment: A Review of the Literature.” Psychiatrist.com. 10 January 2023. Retrieved from https://www.Psychiatrist.com/pcc/growing-epidemic-opioid-use-disorder-elderly-its-treatment-review-literature.
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