April 1, 2024
During the first quarter of 2024, updates became effective for the Cigna Healthcare Preventive Care Services Administrative Policy (A004).
Summary: Preventive care updates and revisions
Description | Update | Codes |
Routine immunization: COVID-19 | Added five and removed 52 Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) codes to reflect American Medical Association (AMA) coding changes | Added: 91318–91322. Removed: 0001A–0004A, 0011A–0013A, 0031A, 0034A, 0041A, 0042A, 0044A, 0051A–0054A, 0064A, 0071A–0074A, 0081A–0083A, 0091A–0094A, 0111A–0113A, 0124A, 0134A, 0144A, 0154A, 0164A, 0173A, 0174A, 91300, 91301, 91303–91309, 91311–91317 |
Routine immunization: Influenza vaccine | Removed 10 CPT codes and one Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) code to reflect AMA coding changes | CPT: 90653–90658, 90660–90661, 90673, 90685 HCPCS: Q2037 |
Routine immunization: respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) | Added six CPT codes and one International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10) code to reflect AMA coding changes | CPT: 90380, 90381, 90678, 90679, 96380, 96381 ICD-10: Z29.22 |
Cholesterol screening | Removed one CPT code as it does not reflect a preventive service | 83719 |
Code Group 1 diagnoses | Added six ICD-10 codes to reflect AMA coding changes; removed one ICD-10 code as it is no longer a billable code | Added: Z29.81, Z83.71, Z83.710, Z83.711, Z83.718, Z83.719 Removed: Z13.4 |
Fluoride application | Added one CPT code to reflect an additional type of fluoride application as a new preventive service | 0792T |
HIV infection: PrEP injection cabotegravir (apretude) | Added one HCPCS code and one ICD-10 code for prevention of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection: Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) injection cabotegravir (apretude) as it is a new preventive service | HCPCS: J0739 ICD-10: Z29.81 |
Hearing screening | Removed two CPT codes as they do not represent preventive services | 92652, 92653 |
For additional guidance on preventive care services, refer to the Preventive Care Services Administrative Policy (A004) on the Cigna for Health Care Professionals website (CignaforHCP.com) > Review coverage policies > Medical and Administrative A-Z Index > Preventive Care Services – (A004).
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