View drug benefit details using real-time benefit check

April 1, 2024

Real-time benefit check gives you access to patient-specific drug benefit information through your electronic medical record (EMR) or electronic health record (EHR) system during the integrated ePrescribing process. If you are a provider treating military beneficiaries, you also have access to patient-specific drug benefit information through your EMR or EHR system.

This service enables you to access drug benefit details, including:

  • Cost share
  • Therapeutic alternatives with cost shares
  • Coverage status (e.g., prior authorization, step therapy, quantity limits)
  • Channel options (i.e., 30- and 90-day retail; 90-day mail)

EMR or EHR system requirements

To access real-time benefit check, you must have the most current version of your vendor’s EMR or EHR system, and the system must be contracted with Surescripts®. For more information and to get started, contact your EMR or EHR vendor.

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